Monday, April 10, 2017

The "Protein = Healthy" Conspiracy Everyone Believes

True story: someone at work recently mentioned he was trying to lose weight, so when he got his breakfast sandwich from McDonald's he threw away the buns and just ate the sausage, egg, and cheese because carbs make you fat, apparently.

If carbs make you fat, then vegetarians and vegans should be the most overweight people, right? Why, then, are they the leanest people on the planet? Look at the people of China; they eat mostly rice and they are virtually all skinny.
"But Devin, being skinny doesn't always mean you're healthy."
Good point, but the Chinese also live the longest, don't they? That's saying something.

You know the type of person who seeks advice, but is only looking for what they want to hear, and they disregard everything else? I believe the term is called "itching ears." People love to hear good things about their bad habits. They will google the heck out of something to find an article from a "reliable" source that suggests a positive outcome from one of their debilitating addictions. These people loooooove the lie that carbs are bad. "Protein = healthy" is what they have been brainwashed to believe.

Dr. Atkins had a diet that brought in a lot of money that taught people to eat a low-carb, high-protein diet. Well Dr. Atkins died from heart disease. Next it was the Paleo diet (essentially the same thing), then the TedTalk "Debunking The Paleo Diet" went viral and put an end to that. Now it's the Keto diet.

I get twice the daily recommended amount of protein just from eating plants because every food on this planet has protein in it. Although eating 5x the amount of protein would help me bulk faster, the long-term effects aren't worth it.

Don't believe the fad that more protein means better health. Question everything and study it out for yourself.

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